Credit: Photograph: Alamy
Copyright: Alamy. WWI.
The United States, since the end of WWII, through the CIA, has intervened in other country’s politics; violently, covertly, deathly sanctions, and otherwise. I don't believe there is any country in Latin America where the US has not overthrown elected governments and replaced them with right-wing dictators who will do America's bidding. People seem to forget America's unrelenting violent past regarding violent/economic interference around the planet. Ukraine is no different.
It was no surprise today to hear that China was meeting with Putin to attempt a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine. They have recently brokered a deal between age-old enemies Iran and Saudi Arabia. Of course, the first step in any negotiations is a cease-fire. But, unfortunately, America revealed its true colors this week when it declared in all its arrogance that no seize cease-fire would happen.
All the rhetoric from American propaganda that we are in Ukraine to preserve “democracy” and protect western Europe from a Nazi-like invasion turns out to be rubbish. America is a war economy, and many benefits, including elected politicians and their donors, namely the weapon manufacturers. In war, peace is the only solution. But despite 100,000 Ukrainian and 100,000 Russian deaths and the destruction of cities across Ukraine, the United States will not even entertain peace negotiations between the two countries.
Back in 2013, when Ukraine democratically elected its new president, the US wasn't happy. The reason was the new president, understanding US imperialism, preferred Russia as their closest ally. Suddenly there were protests on the streets, more than likely fuelled by the CIA, and plenty of violence. The Neoconservatives in the US would not tolerate such an alliance and staged a coup in 2014. A phone call was released at the time between the US ambassador and Victoria Nulen, discussing who should be placed in power and those who should be removed. Zelensky doesn't run Ukraine, and the US calls all the shots.
This a proxy war between Russia and the United States. And Ukraine, unfortunately, is the sacrificial lamb to achieve America's imperialistic intentions. The American government doesn't care about the Ukrainian people, only their economic and imperial intentions.
The US desires to create another Afghanistan in Ukraine – an endless war for profit and power.
The revelations of the sabotage of Nord Stream 2, instigated by the Biden administration, is an act of war in anyone's book. This act of terrorism will only hurt western Europe, where their gas prices next winter will be affordable, thanks to the United States.
I can't name one world leader on the planet that has their people as their priority. This includes Putin, Biden, Macron, etc. To call Putin a dictator, look around. We support Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Katar, and other regimes that follow American orders. Why are we not screaming about their democratic human rights violations and war crimes?
Ukraine is not a war about freedom and democracy but a US economic scheme and ongoing strategy to ensure war continues in the region. Afghanistan made billions, so why not do it again?
When the US declared no cease-fire in Ukraine, the mask came off, and their true intentions became crystal clear.
Warmongers will be warmongers.