US/NATO Pushing for Endless War
The warmongers have created a energy crises for the sake of their own diabolical ends. The problem is certain leaders' blame Putin for the energy crises when the blame lies entirely from the sanctions
The NATO Summit in Spain last week confirmed a few essential issues. Firstly, the mainstream media, especially the United States press junket, are totally on board with NATO escalating the war in Ukraine. The press conferences are planned. President Biden has a short list of reporters he calls on, knowing the questions in advance. Not surprisingly, Biden has prompters ensuring he doesn't wander off-topic or make an embarrassing blunder, like mistaking the country he's currently speaking in. Only on rare occasions are questions permitted that criticize the establishment's pro-war narrative. Secondly, the notion of diplomacy in the Ukraine crisis is not addressed or ignored. For many, this conference was an excuse to escalate the war against Vladimir Putin. Peace is not an option.
The West has been prompting Russia to engage in war for a long time. As a result, the general public has been primed to hate Russia and, specifically Putin. The Russia-gate hoax during the Trump administration was relentless. Those against President Trump called him a traitor to his country. The US MSM announced bombshell after bombshell on a daily basis, “proving” Trump's collaboration to the Kremlin. Again, this was non-stop propaganda to ensure Russia was viewed as America's enemy No. 1. Even Hollywood movies and TV shows during this time posited Russia as the villain. Despite an expensive investigation by ex-FBI Robert Mueller finding zero evidence of Kremlin influence during the 2016 presidential election, the damage was already done. Russia is bad, Putin dictator.
After the invasion of Ukraine, it seemed the general public was already primed to despise Putin. Laughably and disturbing, most people believed Russia invaded Ukraine out of a vacuum. For many, Putin is evil and desires to take over the world. Ukraine flags began appearing on social media sites, and on suburban front lawns, and the public at large would not accept any context for why this invasion occurred. In fact the West, mostly the US and their attack dogs, NATO, have been poking the bear for years. Russia justified the invasion as a defensive act. Anyone with the inclination to research this claim would discover the US and NATO have prompted the Russian invasion. This is not to condone the Russian attack, but to put context to this useless war.(see my other pieces on Ukraine, US, and NATO history leading to invasion).
The most diabolical aspect of this war is establishment media pundits and certain individuals within the government are attacking anti-war voices across the international stage. These people, for the most part, are cheerleaders for war. When one investigates these pundits come to discover their connections to weapon manufacturers and intelligence agencies. People within media and academia are losing their jobs for merely speaking out against this war.
A sure-fire way to spot one of these pro-war shills is their only argument is to smear, name-call, and connect you with the “enemy” without evidence. This is obvious and intellectually lazy at best.
The Ukraine conflict can end tomorrow if certain diplomatic contingencies are put in place. The problem is the US and NATO do not want peace but the destruction of Vladimir Putin and the Russian government. In this case, at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
What is most disturbing is the sanctions that the US and the European Union has placed on Russia have blown back, creating economic turmoil in terms of gas and other fuel-related commodities.
The warmongers have created an energy crisis for the sake of their own diabolical ends. The problem is certain leaders blame Putin for the energy crises when the blame lies entirely on the sanctions imposed on Russia by the West.
Personally, what I find insane, is these “leaders” and warmongers expect us to believe this rubbish.
The US economy is a war-based economy and must have a war to justify its existence. All the while, Europe is being dragged into this bloodshed when it can be avoided.
Any government pushing for more war is only seeking two things: profits and absolute hegemony over the planet.
Any other reason given is propaganda.